А.В.М. (Асоцијација на воајери на Македонија), 1999
22 дигитални отпечатоци (секој 20х20см.); 70х350см.
V.A.M. (Voyeuers Association of Macedonia), 1999
22 digital
prints (each 20x20cm.); dimensions variable (app. 70x350cm.)
In her work Slavica Janešlieva attempts to
simulate an association of citizens whose shared habit and passion
is peeping at couples who make love in public places. In order
to realize her project she searched for spots in Skopje (parks,
parking lots, etc.) where the scopophilic "ritual" is
usually performed. With her digital installation and the establishing
of the association she considers the needs and the urges of people
who experience a greater enjoyment in peeping than in the act
of love-making itself. According to her the phenomenon of voyeurism
is rare in women. Thus, in order to be more persuasive, she had
to "change" her own sex and identity, i.e., "to
become" male.
Milevska (from the Catalogue The First Peep Show
in the City)

Членска карта на асоцијацијата.
Membership card of the Association.
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