Sunday, September 1, 2002

14.06.-01.09.2002 Graphica Creativa 2002, Juvaskula, Finland

I have always been interested in the beginnings of various phenomena of life; in my ancestors, my family background, my belonging. The future is foretold from the past and the future is only possible because of the past. Without the past and the future, the present is partial. My Story Telling series is about the cult towards the predecessors, stories about my family that I have heard from my ancestors.

Let me ask you something? When somebody tells you a story, what is it you remember? Do you remember the exact words the narrator used or in your mind do you create your own “picture” about the story? Do you use your own words when you retell that picture? These are the visions in my mind of the stories I have heard
and my words of the stories. In the Balkans nothing is as simple as it seems. I believe that both family
histories and family stories are a proof of that.

My sensation at the birth of the image, when the paper is lifted up from the clishe is unexplainable and unique.
Experimenting and finding out new ways of expression for a texture, a writing, an image, a story, fascinate me.
And although I am not using only traditional printmaking techniques I still cannot suppress the urge to use
printmaking as a medium. The mix of classical techniques and modern technology, the pact of printmaking,
photography, computer and installation, help me express what I intend to achieve in my works, i.e. to express
my emotions. Placing them in space and making them touchable.

Stepping out of the margins of printmaking is quite a complex issue for discussion. Questions such as:
what is an original, what is a copy, am I a copy etc. bother me. In respect to my physical appearance I ask
myself whether any one has already had or will have eyes, lips, a chin, a nose etc. like mine. 
Who is the original, who is the copy?

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